
IT Services – We provide information technology services like computer repair, data recovery, and tech support to you and your business.

Charitable Endeavors – Our company is primarily focused on helping others and giving back to our community. In addition to our charitable contributions we also do various nonprofit work.

Blogging – We host a blog site where writers can publish articles about various topics in the information technology field. We cover many topics in the IT field but primarily focus towards information security. The blog site is more preferred by people who are tech savvy but everyone is always welcome.

Giveaways – We giveaway many free items when we provide charitable work. In addition we also giveaway items to our clients who make purchases over $100. If you are currently one of our clients you can view a list of all of our giveaway items here.

Automotive – Our newest subsidiary company works on, restores, and sells classic vehicles. We’ll have more information to come as our new subsidiary company launches next year.